New academic paper: "Cosmic Rectitude in Scientology, Gnosticism, and Christianity" by Adam Barkman and Bennet Soenen (2022)


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New academic paper: "Cosmic Rectitude in Scientology, Gnosticism, and Christianity" by Adam Barkman and Bennet Soenen, in Forgiveness Confronts Race, Relationships, and the Social: The Philosophy of Forgiveness-Volume V, 185, 2022.

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* * * BEGIN ABSTRACT * * *

Barkman and Soenen begin their chapter with a brief history of the origins of, and the controversy surrounding, Scientology. Following this, they discuss the main beliefs and practices surrounding and related to Scientology’s philosophy of forgiveness. These beliefs and practices are based on Scientology’s concepts of good and evil, the beliefs about the moral state and existence of man, and the practice of Auditing. Barkman and Soenen then discuss how these beliefs and practices relate to the ancient systems of gnostic religions and philosophies, which they relate and contrast their philosophy of forgiveness and morality to the predominant Western philosophies of forgiveness, specifically the Christian philosophy of forgiveness found in the writings of Thomas Aquinas.

* * * END ABSTRACT * * *

Chapter excerpts; full e-book available for $95.00; print copies of the book available for sale; library availability, at:

