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Hi Karen. I think you will remember me. I tried to fix the leaking back window in your car in the late 70's or so. We were on that "special project" together in '82 (?) or '83. I met you in Home Depot parking lot and briefly worked in your garden. Anyway, I have always greatly admired you and I truly hope that you are doing great and experiencing power and creativity. Big smile, Brian
Hello and greetings.
Do not recall any of this !
Interested on hearing more on that "special Project" we were on.
Must have been concerning David Mayo since it was 1982./83
See private message I sent you within this forum.
I was in Scientology from 1963 to 1973, and was one of the first Class VIIIs being trained directly by LRH on the ship Apollo. I'm currently researching to publish a book about my experiences during those years. I would love to hear from anyone who was in Scn during those years and would consider telling their story to be included.
Hi Karen my name is L Ron Hubbard I just posted about how your and others personal information (name and mail) is leaking from substack when they post their subscription links. Does this feels okay? Do you have any comments to the very low personal integrity at substack?

Thank you for this alert.
Anyone can read Substack without subscribing so if one's Email address is private one should read content only
L Ron Hubbard
L Ron Hubbard
Dear Karen
do you think we can trust a company that leaks names and private email addresses of their customers?

Like when you click on the title of this post of yours? (as an tiny example)
I'm not sure who is responding as L. Ron Hubbard as he passed away many years ago.