Full Ph.D..Thesis: Auditing in Contemporary Scientologies: The Self, Authenticity, and Material Culture, by Ailed Thomas


Well-known member
This could easily have been a lengthy high school term paper, but it's "submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy."

I guess, once this person his Ph.D, he can go teach in a college or university.

The term "NRM" is used repeatedly throughout this paper. It was Scientology Inc. paid apologist, Melton, who coined the acronym "NRM" as a substitute for "cult."

This is superficial, lazy, "scholarship," like so many other papers.

More on Melton's dishonesty:

Re-post providing a look at the casual weaselly depravity of cult apologists...

Re. "apostates":

Scientology Inc. has had a program - called the Scholar Program - since the 1970s. It's purpose is to corrupt academia to Scientology Inc.'s advantage.

The term "NRM" was coined by paid Scientology Inc. apologist J. Gordon Melton, to be used as a substitute for "cult," with those who use the word "cult" to be denounced as "anti-religious bigots."

"NRM" is a niche created by J. Gordon Melton and other corrupt "scholars."

Melton has been used as an expert witness in Scientology Inc.'s favor, and was exposed on this message board a while back (LINK) by his friend (long story) who inadvertently stated that Melton had lied under oath while testifying as an expert witness. This, apparently, is behavior that is regarded by professional "religious scholars" as routine.

This academic niche stinks of corruption.

Scientology Inc.'s most important enabling fraudulent assertion is that it's not a discredited system of psychology and a political (power-seeking, private intelligence/blackmail collecting) operation, but, rather, an authentic religious institution.

A glimpse at decades of "expert" testimony on behalf of cults:

Dr. Melton: When you are investigating groups such as this,
you never rely on the unverified testimony of ex-members.

Mr. Morgan: Why?

Dr. Melton: To put it bluntly, hostile ex-members invariably shade the truth.
They invariably blow out of proportion minor incidents
and turn them into major incidents...



Well-known member
This could easily have been a lengthy high school term paper, but it's "submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy."

I guess, once this person his Ph.D, he can go teach in a college or university.

The term "NRM" is used repeatedly throughout this paper. It was Scientology Inc. paid apologist, Melton, who coined the acronym "NRM" as a substitute for "cult."

This is superficial, lazy, "scholarship," like so many other papers.

More on Melton's dishonesty:

Re-post providing a look at the casual weaselly depravity of cult apologists...

Re. "apostates":

Scientology Inc. has had a program - called the Scholar Program - since the 1970s. It's purpose is to corrupt academia to Scientology Inc.'s advantage.

The term "NRM" was coined by paid Scientology Inc. apologist J. Gordon Melton, to be used as a substitute for "cult," with those who use the word "cult" to be denounced as "anti-religious bigots."

"NRM" is a niche created by J. Gordon Melton and other corrupt "scholars."

Melton has been used as an expert witness in Scientology Inc.'s favor, and was exposed on this message board a while back (LINK) by his friend (long story) who inadvertently stated that Melton had lied under oath while testifying as an expert witness. This, apparently, is behavior that is regarded by professional "religious scholars" as routine.

This academic niche stinks of corruption.

Scientology Inc.'s most important enabling fraudulent assertion is that it's not a discredited system of psychology and a political (power-seeking, private intelligence/blackmail collecting) operation, but, rather, an authentic religious institution.

A glimpse at decades of "expert" testimony on behalf of cults:

Dr. Melton: When you are investigating groups such as this,
you never rely on the unverified testimony of ex-members.

Mr. Morgan: Why?

Dr. Melton: To put it bluntly, hostile ex-members invariably shade the truth.
They invariably blow out of proportion minor incidents
and turn them into major incidents...

Dr. Melton "never relies on the testimony of hostile ex-members". LOL

If (rather than cults) he instead pretended scholarship on internet sales websites like AMAZON and E-BAY, he would ignore tens of millions of "hostile former customers" who bitterly complained that they didn't get what they paid for or were refused a refund. In such an "expert" appraisal, Melon would conclude that dissatisfied and/or defrauded customers could not be trusted.

Ergo, Melton would only seek and use "theta reviews" and ignore ("not-is") all the bamboozled, burned and betrayed customers who lost their money.

Maybe Melton should add his favorite term "NRM" to his own business card, under his name, properly identifying himself as a "NEW WORLD MERCENARY".

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