Mr. 10X Grant Cardone


Well-known member

SUMMARY: Cardone solicits co-conspirators by incitement(s) to commit both bank fraud as well as bankruptcy fraud. All that in order that his co-conspirators can stick banks and other credits with the loss, while Cardone pockets their cash. And Scientology meanwhile does nothing to "get in ethics" on Cardone and itself for accepting many millions of Cardone's donation dollars.

This should be the first question fired at the sleazy con man Cardone and Scientologists every time one of them gets in front of a camera —before they can blinklessly exclaim that "Scientologists are the world's most ethical people!"

Scientology is now in the same position they were in just before Danny Masterson was indicted and arrested for serial rapes. To defend or not to defend, that is the question.



Well-known member
Yes ladies and gents, he is obvisously proud of giving this advice. On video.

Yes, ladies and gents, he sees obviously nothing wrong with it.

No wonder Tampa Brad digs this guy, they speak the same language, probably with or without scamatology.

Yes! The grinning* Cardone is having "big wins" that he is clever enough to defraud others (creditors, banks, SEC, regulatory agencies, law enforcement, et al) so he can steal money and not get caught.

It's a consistent trait amongst criminals--their degenerate and insatiable hunger for street cred and adulation for their masterful thievery and thuggery.

* See articles and videos on "Duper's Delight"

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