Mad Mappin Hits the Interwebs


Well-known member

Scientology’s version of Monty Pythons Upper Class Twit is at it again (I always love it any time I can slip in a Monty Python reference) — if you don’t know this skit, I have included it at the end of this post.

I have written about Mad Mappin before (the most recent here: Mad Mappin At It Again).~~~READ MORE



Well-known member

Scientology’s version of Monty Pythons Upper Class Twit is at it again (I always love it any time I can slip in a Monty Python reference) — if you don’t know this skit, I have included it at the end of this post.

I have written about Mad Mappin before (the most recent here: Mad Mappin At It Again).~~~READ MORE

Don’t tell this to the conspiracists of the corona thread!:roflmao:


Gone away from madness!
Everything is so expensive in these days, Blessed we are for such a free large supply of mad hatters
