I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation.
When a parson is about to die, often the person has feelings of sadness and fear, ignoring the billions who are continuing living.

Are you afraid to die?

I have no idea what the first sentence above means either (and I don't mean because you mentioned a Clergyman ... presumably by mistake).


My answer is "No" to the second sentence, I suppose I may be when it is imminent (if I'm aware of it) but I'm not at the moment.


Well-known member
I have the same opinion as ITYIWT.
Either I survive the death of the body and am pleasantly surprised. Or I don't survive and I'll never know.

The way to die is scarier than death itself. I wouldn't want to suffer and spend a long time in a hospital, for example.
Assuming that something survives the body, I am not afraid of what will happen next, I do not believe in a reward or punishment for my actions during this earthly life. I am more likely to believe that our physical life serves to learn something or to accumulate experiences.

My only regrets would be not seeing my loved ones and not knowing the rest of the history of this world.


Ron is the source that will lead you to grief
No. As long as I'm alive, I don't care. When death comes, I won't be here to deal with it.

Nothing to be afraid of except fear itself. Everyone dies, that's a part of being a living being.

I can understand people who wish they would get some more time to live and complete whatever they were doing. I can understand people who worry about what will happen to their children, wards or pets after they die.

I do not understand people who fear death itself.


Well-known member
After reading about experiences shared by people who had NDE's, especially this one, I've got zero fear of death. In a way, I look forward to it, although I don't wish it to come sooner than necessary as I've got some things I'd like to accomplish prior to my departure to Target Two. :coolwink:

La La Lou Lou

Well-known member
I'm rather enjoying my life, don't want it to stop right now.

The pain of leaving is that my family would be sad, but of course they'd get over it in and get on with their lives, my genes will go on into the distant future, but humanity itself is not infinite, I might be remembered for a generation or two and then all forgotten. My name will not be smashed into history or whatever it was that Hubbard wanted for himself.


Well-known member
I'm rather enjoying my life, don't want it to stop right now.

The pain of leaving is that my family would be sad, but of course they'd get over it in and get on with their lives, my genes will go on into the distant future, but humanity itself is not infinite, I might be remembered for a generation or two and then all forgotten. My name will not be smashed into history or whatever it was that Hubbard wanted for himself.
You still got time! It's not too late for us to start our own cult.


Ron is the source that will lead you to grief


I clap to no man
Why? Life all around you lives.
Fear of death was one of Hubbard's rhetoric. Just do scientology, for afterall you have lived a past life and can return from death with full memory of your deaths eons past. And by the way, you were once a thethan, a most powerful being, a free being that was duped somehow. LOL

So, as Hubbard might say, don't fear death, you will come back with full memory if you only get auditing and move up the bridge to total freedom. And yet, nobody has returned from death from using scientology. That's the rhetoric.


Well-known member
Fear of death was one of Hubbard's rhetoric. Just do scientology, for afterall you have lived a past life and can return from death with full memory of your deaths eons past. And by the way, you were once a thethan, a most powerful being, a free being that was duped somehow. LOL

So, as Hubbard might say, don't fear death, you will come back with full memory if you only get auditing and move up the bridge to total freedom. And yet, nobody has returned from death from using scientology. That's the rhetoric.
Take off the Scientology lens.

Shouldn't an an enlightened being face the end of his bodily existence with the joy of knowing that others will live on?

Is that so hard to understand?

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation.
Take off the Scientology lens.

Shouldn't an an enlightened being face the end of his bodily existence with the joy of knowing that others will live on?

Is that so hard to understand?

Yes, it is hard to understand if you still happy, healthy and are truly enjoying the results of many decades of hard work, as I am, and I certainly don't mean due to mere material things either.

I must be an "unenlightened being".

Happy days.



Well-known member
Yes, it is hard to understand if you still happy, healthy and are truly enjoying the results of many decades of hard work, as I am, and I certainly don't mean due to mere material things either.
I must be an "unenlightened being".

Happy days.

This is not about a teenager on prom night. This is about a person who has lived a full life ("three score and ten," etc.). It's not hard to understand. The state of mind is the affirming of life and appreciation of life outside of oneself.

"I hear babies cry, I've watched them grow, they'll learn much more than I'll ever know,
and I think to myself what a wonderful world."


I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation.
This is not about a teenager on prom night. This is about a person who has lived a full life ("three score and ten," etc.). It's not hard to understand. The state of mind is the affirming of life and appreciation of life outside of oneself.

Perhaps you should say what you want to say clearly without trying to be enigmatic and cryptic.


La La Lou Lou

Well-known member
Take off the Scientology lens.

Shouldn't an an enlightened being face the end of his bodily existence with the joy of knowing that others will live on?

Is that so hard to understand?
That is why we have kids, for our genes to carry on. It's not a secret. But I am more than my genes I am me, uniquely myself, the one of billions of people who knows what it feels like to be me, because they are not me. I am consciousness. I do not like the idea of being switched off, but I don't fear it. I might get rebooted, or not, who knows.

Infinity, well a big idea, but the human race is not infinite and nor is the solar system, or the physical universe, certainly not in the state it's in now. Me You and Humanity and also the physical universe are doomed. In a way I like that, infinity just isn't a concept my little brain likes. At least we are not expecting to be stuck on clouds playing harps for the rest of time.

That's fine, I am happy that I did my bit to replace myself on the planet after I've kicked the bucket.