Danny Masterson — DJ Donkey Punch


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The news from Los Angeles that the Danny Masterson Preliminary Hearing resulted in the judge ordering him to stand trial for rape was more than welcome. It was a relief to know the victims have finally been heard and taken seriously. It was also long overdue.

Tony Ortega did a magnificent job of reporting over 4 days of the hearing. It was amazing the level of detail he was able to take down and relay to all those unable to attend in person.

My message to the 3 women who took the stand: Brava. Brava. Brava.

And Brave, brave, brave.

It takes guts to testify before a court under any circumstances. It requires inordinate inner strength to do so when you are recounting details of a violent, physically and emotionally traumatic incident.

While the hearing was going on, there was a great deal of media coverage of Lady Gaga, after disclosing she was raped 16 years ago and the lasting scars and the huge impact it had on her. I highly recommend the Oprah Winfrey/Prince Harry series The Me You Can’t See on Apple TV+ where Gaga and Oprah discuss the ramifications of their own sexual abuse/rapes and the long term impact it has had. It is an insight into the incredible strength of women who expose sexual crimes.