Amazon TV series "The Boys" introduces the Church of the Collective, a Scientology doppelgänger


Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Workprint: The Boys Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Homelander Is The Ubermensch

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We also get some minor reveals in this episode, mostly in that Queen Maeve can’t keep letting Homelander’s sins step aside as it’s killing both her relationship and identity (Vought has REALLY capitalized on her coming out with a lot of LGBTQ centered products), and that A-Train and The Deep become, well let’s just say, better friends in what looks like a parody of Scientology.

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Yahoo Life: Lamplighter's Return to 'The Boys' Changes Everything About Season Two

Lamplighter's Return to 'The Boys' Changes Everything About Season Two

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Though the life of a member of the Seven is one of addressing adoring crowds, starring in action movies, and living in lush digs, life after a supe's stint on the all-star team is an entirely different thing. The Deep, removed from the team after sexually assaulting Starlight, is banished to Sandusky, Ohio. And though Vought is publicly spinning A-Train's departure as voluntary retirement, the speedster fights his forced retirement tooth and nail, and is so forlorn about his post-Seven prospects that he's considering joining the Deep in becoming a member of a Scientology-like religious group.

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
The AV Club: The Boys reveals Stormfront’s and Frenchie’s histories in the action-heavy “The Bloody Doors Off”

The Boys reveals Stormfront’s and Frenchie’s histories

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I would watch an animated show where the Deep just hangs out with his underwater friends, like halibut, those “rowdy motherfuckers.” Also, of course the Church of the Collective was going to use the Deep to try and recruit more supes like A-Train, another Scientology-like move (and one playing out in the HBO docuseries The Vow about the NXIVM MLM cult, too).

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
The news that the Amazon TV series "The Boys" features "a cult society inspired by Scientology" has again reached Italy:

Wonder Channel: La 2° stagione di The Boys è così bella che fa sembrare le altre serie spazzatura

La 2° stagione di The Boys è così bella che fa sembrare le altre serie spazzatura

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Parlando di altri personaggi, l’ex membro dei 7 Abisso (Chase Crawford) viene inserito in una società di culto che si ispira a Scientology. Abisso si è iscritto in questa organizzazione per tornare nei 7.

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Speaking of other characters, the former member of the 7 Abyss (Chase Crawford) is placed in a cult society inspired by Scientology. Abisso joined this organization to return to the 7.



Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
AIPT: ‘The Boys’ season 2 episode 6 ‘The Bloody Doors Off’ recap/review

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In Maeve’s case, her covert mission against Homelander is brilliantly juxtaposed with Elena getting a stark example of why her girlfriend didn’t want to bring work home. It also weaved in the Deep’s story, which continues to be silly, but at least feels more connected to the main plot. The parallels between The Church of the Collective and Scientology are obvious, but A-Train getting roped into things make it much more interesting.

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
The Hollywood News: The Boys’ Season 2 Episode 6 Review


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A-Train and The Deep are now on the same path within the scientology-esque ‘religion’ that has them both convinced they will make their return to the Seven. Will these promises ultimately prove to be false? It’s hard to say, but there’s definitely a reason these two have been reunited and it’ll be intriguing to discover what that is.

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Ron is the source that will lead you to grief
I wonder if they will have some version of narconon in that universum. Would fit perfectly.


Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news


Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Recenserie: The Boys 2x06 - The Bloody Doors Off

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The Deep, A-Train e la Chiesa della Collettività

Non è un segreto che The Boys abbia sempre proposto, attraverso la sua narrazione, una sorta di analisi e conseguente denuncia di alcune caratteristiche della società statunitense. Tenendo conto di ciò (e alla luce di quanto visto in questo sesto episodio), diventa ora più chiaro dove voglia andare a parare una delle sottotrame più discusse e confuse della serie, ovvero quella di The Deep.

La Chiesa della Collettività, un ente che ha tutte le caratteristiche tipiche di una vera e propria setta, rimanda ormai in maniera abbastanza palese e voluta a una delle congreghe americane più conosciute e contoverse: la Chiesa di Scientology. Senza approfondire troppo un argomento spinoso come questo, basti far presente che uno dei tratti riconosciuti di Scientology sia quello di ricercare il supporto e l’appoggio di celebrità (principalmente del mondo del cinema), in modo non dissimile a quanto visto con The Deep nelle scorse puntate. Così come Scientology aiutava alcuni degli attori ad essa affiliata ad ottenere provini e parti importanti, allo stesso modo la Chiesa della Collettività si adopera affinché The Deep risolva i propri conflitti interiori e possa tornare all’interno dei Sette.

Anche la presenza ricorrente delle bibite Fresca ha probabilmente a che fare con la vera natura di questo culto. “Drinking the Kool-Aid” è una tipica espressione americana che fa riferimento a un tragico suicidio di massa avvenuto a Jonestown sotto la guida del leader religioso Jim Jones e sta a indicare la volontà di credere ciecamente a qualcuno guidati da una sorta di fede simil-religiosa. In questo senso, la Fresca potrebbe essere un rimando proprio a questo concetto, un richiamo dunque alla fede che ripongono i suoi adepti nelle dottrine della setta.

Non è ancora chiaro ora a cosa porterà il coinvolgimento di A-Train in tutto ciò, ma è evidente come anche questa sottotrama sta via via assumendo più importanza.

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The Deep, A-Train and the Church of the Collective

It is no secret that The Boys has always proposed, through its narrative, a kind of analysis and consequent denunciation of certain characteristics of American society. Taking this into account (and in light of what we saw in this sixth episode), it now becomes clearer where he wants to go to parry one of the most discussed and confusing subplots of the series, namely that of The Deep.

The Church of the Collectivity,an entity that has all the typical characteristics of a real sect, now refers quite clearly and willingly to one of america's most well-known and controversial congregations: the Church of Scientology. Without delving too deeply into a thorny topic like this, it is enough to point out that one of the recognized traits of Scientology is to seek the support and support of celebrities (mainly from the world of cinema), in a way not dissimilar to what we have seen with The Deep in recent episodes. Just as Scientology helped some of its affiliated actors obtain auditions and important parts, the Church of Collectivity also strives to resolve its inner conflicts and return to the Seven.

Even the recurring presence of fresh drinks probably has to do with the true nature of this cult. "Drinking the Kool-Aid" is a typical American expression that refers to a tragic mass suicide in Jonestown under the leadership of religious leader Jim Jones and indicates a willingness to blindly believe someone guided by a kind of religious-like faith. In this sense, the Fresca could be a reference to this very concept, a reference to the faith that her followers place in the doctrines of the sect.

It is not yet clear what A-Train's involvement will lead to in all this, but it is clear that this subploy is also becoming more important.



Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
The Renegade Rip: The Boys Are Back in Town: “The Boys” Season 2 Review

The Boys Are Back in Town: “The Boys” Season 2 Review

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The series constantly makes fun of how movie studios market superhero properties, and they love to parody such things as Marvel and DC characters, celebrities, and even the Church of Scientology

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news


Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Scientology disconnection comes to the Amazon TV series "The Boys."

Entertainment Weekly: The Boys recap: Dads say the darndest things

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At Alastair’s birthday bash, A-Train gives the Deep a gift to make amends for past hostilities, and they hug it out. Alastair joins them, asking their opinion about Eagle the Archer. The Deep praises his Church of the Collective comrade, only to have Alastair inform them both that Eagle is out of the church; he’s a “toxic” person who’s failed the program, and everyone must cut ties with him immediately. This Scientology-esque act of rejection/erasure surprises both the Deep and A-Train.

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Is the Church of Scientology the Collective popping people's heads?

Another News: The Boys Season 2: Who Is Popping People’s Heads?

The Boys Season 2: Who Is Popping People's Heads? - Another News

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The Church of the Collective?

One prime suspect for the head-poppings is the Church of the Collective. The Scientology-like cult that The Deep and A-Train have joined consorts with supes–obviously–so they might well have someone in their stable who’s capable of this specific power.

More importantly, do they have a motive? Look back at the conversation between Alistair, the church’s leader, and The Deep/A-Train at Alistair’s birthday party in this episode. According to Alistair, he has a meeting with Stan Edgar soon, and A-Train and The Deep are all but back on The Seven. The Church has a vested interest in Vought staying in business–after all, they’re this close to infiltrating the company’s highest and most public ranks with two high-profile Church members.

At the same time, it benefits the Church to get rid of Shockwave–The Seven only need one speedster, after all, and if the Church gets its way, that speedster will be A-Train. Lo and behold, who’s the only supe whose head got popped at the hearing? None other than Shockwave. Coincidence? Maybe we’ll find out in the Season 2 finale.

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Scientology disconnection comes to the Amazon TV series "The Boys."

Entertainment Weekly: The Boys recap: Dads say the darndest things

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At Alastair’s birthday bash, A-Train gives the Deep a gift to make amends for past hostilities, and they hug it out. Alastair joins them, asking their opinion about Eagle the Archer. The Deep praises his Church of the Collective comrade, only to have Alastair inform them both that Eagle is out of the church; he’s a “toxic” person who’s failed the program, and everyone must cut ties with him immediately. This Scientology-esque act of rejection/erasure surprises both the Deep and A-Train.

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AV Club: The Boys’ penultimate season 2 episode is one of its most disturbing

The Boys’ penultimate season 2 episode is one of its most disturbing

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In another “Yes, obviously this is Scientology” moment, we learn that the Church of the Collective has banned Eagle the Archer for being a “toxic” personality.

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Scientology disconnection comes to the Amazon TV series "The Boys."

Entertainment Weekly: The Boys recap: Dads say the darndest things

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At Alastair’s birthday bash, A-Train gives the Deep a gift to make amends for past hostilities, and they hug it out. Alastair joins them, asking their opinion about Eagle the Archer. The Deep praises his Church of the Collective comrade, only to have Alastair inform them both that Eagle is out of the church; he’s a “toxic” person who’s failed the program, and everyone must cut ties with him immediately. This Scientology-esque act of rejection/erasure surprises both the Deep and A-Train.

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More on Scientology disconnection coming to the Amazon TV series "The Boys."

Nerdcore Movement: ‘The Boys’ Recap ‘Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker’: Internal Combustion

‘The Boys’ Recap ‘Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker’: Internal Combustion

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Before going to limbo his heart away from the night, Alastair informs Deep that his friend Eagle the Archer — the one who introduced him to the church in the first place — has been excommunicated and he’s no longer allowed to associate with anyone from the Church of the Collective. Obviously this is scientology without calling it scientology but as much as Deep wanted to call Eagle the Archer his friend, he wants the power of the church behind him in order to return to The Seven.

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news


Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Den of Geek: The Boys Season 2: What Is The Church of the Collective?

What can Scientology teach us about what’s in store for the supes on The Boys season 2?

Note: The story has a serious discussion of Scientology. It analogizes the Church of the Collective to Scientology.

The Boys Season 2: What Is The Church of the Collective? | Den of Geek

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Independent Scientology and Nation of Islam news
Soda and Telepaths: The Boys Season 2 Episode 7 : Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker Review

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While I really wish there was a lot more Deep in this episode, the few scenes he had were some of the bluntest mockery of Scientology, the mockery hitting its peak with Eagle the Archer being shut out by the church in a manner similar to disconnection techniques used by the Church of Scientology. I do want them to go in a little harder on this ribbing of Scientology because it’s absolutely needed… maybe next season? Hell, hire Leah Remini and really just go for broke.

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