“Dr.” L. Ron Hubbard on Germs and Vaccines


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Crackpot scientologist Carole Eddington sent around an email with some collected "wisdom" from "Dr." Hubbard about germs and vaccines. The guy who said not smoking enough cigarettes is the real cause of cancer, has some other interesting medical advice about how germs don't exist and that the "first 100 soldiers admitted with smallpox in WW II had all been vaccinated." It gives a pretty good glimpse into the mindset of a true-believer. To any outsider, this is just Hubbard being Hubbard: making up stories, theories and lies. Unfortunately scientologists buy it as gospel. If Hubbard so much as quoted someone else it gave the statement a signed and sealed certificate of authenticity. And they claim there is no "faith" in...READ MORE
