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  1. HelluvaHoax!

    Ex Scientologist Interview Discourse Community

    . Until you pointed that out, I hadn't noticed that the thread was begun in 2020! I wonder why that poster suddenly left. If Dr. Hubbard's theory is correct, it would have to be a misunderstood word which I suspect is the word "apart". (okay, I know I am an evil spelling nazi and going to...
  2. HelluvaHoax!

    Ex Scientologist Interview Discourse Community

    . . Interesting! What is Bruno Latour's actor network theory? Actor–network theory (ANT) is a theoretical and methodological approach to social theory where everything in the social and natural worlds exists in constantly shifting networks of relationships. ... ANT holds that social forces do...
  3. HelluvaHoax!

    Ex Scientologist Interview Discourse Community

    . 1.) When did you join this discussion board / For what purpose do you use this discussion board? For info and fun. 2.) What's your opinion on Scientology? In one word, HelluvaHoax! 3.) Would you consider this discussion board to be a discourse community? Unable to differentiate between...
  4. HelluvaHoax!

    Ex Scientologist Interview Discourse Community

    . . I am still trying to figure out what the difference is between a "discourse community" and a "discussion group" or a "discussion board" or a "message board". I read the definition of "discourse community" several times and was scratching my head wondering why Swales felt his pedantic...