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  1. Enthetan

    "Children of God" -- a pedophile sex cult

    Yes, as hard as it may seem to believe, there are groups out there crazier then Scientology. Some stuff on Rose McGowan's experiences I like this quote from...
  2. Enthetan

    "Children of God" -- a pedophile sex cult

    The more I hear about groups like this, the less the idea of rich and powerful people having an organized system where they have sex with children seems a "wild conspiracy theory".
  3. Enthetan

    "Children of God" -- a pedophile sex cult
  4. Enthetan

    "Children of God" -- a pedophile sex cult

    The woman interviewed below says she was trafficked for sex with men starting at the age of 11 (4:50). The group supported itself by begging and prostitution. An interesting part is at 12:15, where she talks about being sent to a prison camp in the Philippines when she said she wanted to leave...
  5. Enthetan

    "Children of God" -- a pedophile sex cult
  6. Enthetan

    "Children of God" -- a pedophile sex cult

    I've been reading a bit about "Children of God", also known as "The Family", a cult that began in 1968, became worldwide in scope, and seemed far more abusive than the Sea Org. This is an example of a group that mostly managed to stay...