GO/OSA Dictionary


New member
It can be helpful to create here a practical GO/OSA dictionary, sourced from existing leaked training materials and former GO/OSA staff who are users here.

Kindly make any entries you deem relevant in this thread and they will be added as this progresses.


AFFLUENCE ACTION, THE GUARDIAN - all commendations or Honours have to be passed by the Guardian before issue and are issued in the name of the Executive Director.

This however is a secondary function of this activity.

The primary function is to be informed of and to trace every affluence awarded to find out what happened before it occurred and to publish findings.

This activity has a file of all affluences ever declared and another file for the full findings. None of this relieves the Ad Council or HCO from finding, declaring and discovering what happened. It just makes certain the action has been taken and that it is correct and gets published.

In this activity the Guardian can convene a “Board of Commendation” to look into affluences and find what caused them and publish the result and commend the responsible parties.

ASSISTANT GUARDIAN - an Assistant Guardian can exist in any org that is big enough. It may not be worn as an additional hat. It is appointed only by the Guardian.

The Assistant Guardian does not act as the Guardian in the Guardian’s absence but only forwards direct orders from the Guardian and collects data for the Guardian. An Assistant Guardian has no power of his own not derived from the Guardian’s authority directly and so may not act independently without exact instructions from the Guardian.

In an Area Executive Division the Assistant Guardian functions as liaison to the Guardian and the Guardian’s four sections and in a very very large org may have those sections as “Liaison Sections” to wit (for an Area Org):

Policy Liaison Section
Danger Liaison Section
Commendation Liaison Section
Long Range Promotion Liaison Section

These collect data for or issue orders for or enforce the orders of the WW Guardian Sections.

Assistant Guardians are directly under the orders of the Guardian and no one else except the Executive Director, but are under the Div 7 Sec and the Office of LRH Co-ordinator for personnel purposes.

Assistant Guardians are appointed by the Guardian from a list submitted by the Personnel Officers of the org for which the Assistant Guardian is being appointed.

DANGER ACTION, THE GUARDIAN - this action is the “LRH Heavy Hussars Hat”. This function is to move in heavily where there is a threat of great importance to an Org or Scientology after the usual lines and posts have goofed. The term comes from the old cavalry purpose of Hussars who were held in reserve until a battle line was dangerously bowed, at which they were sent in to straighten it out.

This activity contains a file unit consisting of every Sec Ed issued by any org. This file system has a separate file in which every danger condition declared on any staff member is filed by org and date. It also has a file of every Ethics order issued by org and date.

This activity also contains a file of org boards of all orgs.

The activity can call on OIC WW for graphs of any period.

The section can conduct investigations into any slump.

All Danger Conditions regardless of when and how assigned are traced as to what changed before they occurred and a full record of all findings is kept and published.

The Guardian can demand a hearing for removal of any Scientology Executive when:

(a) The Guardian has had to wear the Heavy Hussar Hat to rescue a decayed situation;

(b) No Ad Council or others seem to be effective in righting a danger condition.

Heavy Hussar actions include heavy emergency promotions on a zero time limit to salvage a situation, financial or otherwise.

DEADWOOD - a term used in the GO when publicly announcing the names of staff being terminated from their GO post.

DEFENSIVE INTELLIGENCE CYCLE - the view of the scene, the gathering of raw data, the requirements of the policy-makers known and compared, the processing of the data (getting it co-coordinated and sorted out), the statement of the situation or no-situation with the prediction of what may or may not occur, the submission of the packet to planning or command for an evaluation to be evaluated or not in order to find the why and get a proper program.

ESTIMATE OF THE SITUATION - the normal process of Intelligence which procures by numerous and varied and always changing means or to use accumulated stores of data on a given subject (called raw data), add to it the data of the requiring organization, process and coordinate the whole, add flair, and furnish a prediction which tells whether or not there is a situation, its benefit or danger, its extent and priority of attention, for the use of planning, command and policy and including in its submission all data used (within the limits of propriety and security).
It must be in such a form as to be of use, and have factual proof, unaltered, unperverted, as to the existence or non-existence of the situation and its possible consequences or lack of them for the establishment or the persons being served.

FLAIR - 1. a keen natural discernment; an aptitude, a knack. 2. the most precious and infinitely valued characteristic in an Intelligence post.

THE GUARDIAN - the most senior executive of Scientology just below the Executive Director. The post is senior to Executive Secretaries.
The character of the post is best understood legally as “Trustee” or even “Proprietor Sole” and exercises the powers and carries out duties similar to that of a high church officer entrusted with the funds or survival of his group. The Guardian may use the signature “Trustee” in business letters or dealing with outside interests such as law firms and may claim and establish the status of proprietor sole when corporate status of Scientology funds or interests is in question.

The Office of the Guardian is located in the Office of LRH.

The Guardian may have personal secretaries and clerks and these are in the Office of LRH and the Executive Division and are, for personnel purposes, under the LRH Communicator as Co-ordinator of the Office of LRH and the Division 7 Secretary.

The Guardian is posted in every Executive Division by post and name in Division 7.

In other than the International Executive Division, if the org is large enough there may be an Assistant Guardian but if so the Guardian is posted and also the Assistant Guardian for the Area Org.


THE GUARDIAN, ACTIONS OF - the Guardian has five actions: Policy, Danger, Affluence, Long Range Promotion, Intelligence

THE GUARDIAN, AUTHORITY - the Guardian can order any ES Comm or Secretary via the proper Exec Sec or Ad Council, and may order the LRH Communicator in any matter not contrary to his basic hat.

No Ethics chit can be filed on the Guardian except a Job Endangerment chit.

Any Hearing or Comm Ev of the Guardian can only be ordered by the Exec Director personally.

THE GUARDIAN, BASIC DUTIES - the keynote of the post of Guardian is that it functions without being closely involved with the mechanics of administration or orgs. The Guardian is not a member of the Ad Council WW and does not attend its meetings but can supervise it in a general way or intervene if it strays from its functions or is in trouble.

The post floats free in that it has no fixed lines it cannot ignore and none needs to carry out his regular duties by an okay from the Guardian.

But the Guardian has great power in that none but the Executive Director can cancel an order from the Guardian.

The Guardian can create a new Section, get it functioning and give it to its right place in a division.

The Guardian can also take a faltering section from the org, get it functioning and give it back, this resulting of course in a Danger Condition having to be assigned that Department or Division or Exec Sec. Via Assistants the Guardian can direct them to get a Section functioning in their org and give it to a division or take over a dangerous section and get it functioning and give it back, Danger Formula applying as usual.

If the Guardian accumulates new functions the Guardian must remember to give them over eventually to the right Department.

THE GUARDIAN, COMM LINES - the Guardian issues Sec Eds on white paper, blue ink, writes despatches on white paper. No LRH Comm ok is required for a Guardian Sec Ed. A Personnel Sec Ed need be okayed by the Dir Personnel only if the Guardian requests it.

The Guardian may issue HCO Exec Ltrs on white paper and is the only one besides the Exec Director who can. All Guardian HCO orders, Sec Eds, Exec Ltrs are signed the Guardian’s name plus the Guardian for L. Ron Hubbard, Executive Director.

The Guardian’s Telexes have priority over all but the Executive Director’s.

THE GUARDIAN, PURPOSE OF - to help LRH enforce and issue policy, to safeguard Scientology Orgs, Scientologists and Scientology and to engage in long term promotion.

THE GUARDIAN, STATISTIC - the Guardian’s statistic for each org (and that of the Int Exec Div in each org) is a dual statistic as follows:

The amount of cash in the bank as per the last week’s bank statements plus the amount of cash on hand as per 2:00 pm Thursday of the current week of the report.

The total of debts owed by the org plus overdrafts and current payments due on mortgages, hire purchase (time payments) and loans and bond or share retirement but not the total gross amount of mortgages, hire purchase (time payments) or loans or bonds.

These two figures are to be included in the beginning of OIC cables in the order above.

It will be seen that it is hard to get a bank to give one an exact figure, due to check to check clearance, for “2:00 pm Thursday” so in actual fact one takes last week’s bank statements’ credit balance of all accounts and adds to it this week’s total receipts, neglecting outstanding checks as the matter will average.

In computing the debts owed by the org it would be quite unreal to add up the mortgage totals, time payment (hire purchase) totals and all outstanding stocks and bonds as the call on the org is for current payments on these due or any retirement programme. The monthly bills statement (in actual practice) can serve as this statistic providing that during the succeeding month one does not deduct from it payments made from it as new debts are growing at the same time and the matter tends to average out.

Each org, having a board for the Int Exec Div must also have a local statistic for it.

At Worldwide the International Executive Division has a composite statistic made up of all org Int Exec Divs added and graphed.

The local Int Exec Div has the local org’s dual statistic as above and that is the Guardian’s local statistic or that of the Assistant Guardian where one is appointed.

The Guardian’s statistic Worldwide is the composite.

Where there is a Continental Exec Division (required when orgs are very large) the Continental Assistant Guardian’s statistic (and that of the Continental Exec Div) is the composite of the Guardian statistics for that continent.

Where the Guardian finds the local or Continental or Worldwide statistics are being falsified or are grossly in error, the Guardian must order the Ad Council Worldwide to send a competent WW executive to conduct an investigation. The Guardian may empower through the Ad Council WW that representative to bring about prosecution for irregularities. If this procedure is ineffective, the Guardian being also a local executive may personally direct the matter to be satisfactorily concluded and to bring about correct statistics.

INTELLIGENCE - 1. the process of informing one’s command area of the plans, characteristics and crimes of all opponents to one’s own activity and purpose. 2. an estimate of a given situation based on available or procured or surmised information that will form a needed prediction vital to the process of planning, command and execution in matters of individual, corporate or state concern.
3. evaluated secret information and necessary actions to handle the general situation. 4. eyesight and foresight. A symbol for Intelligence is an eye in a crystal ball. 5. to the public, it is a silent service, a part of the scene that isn’t there, maybe like a thetan looking on above the crowd. But to the planners, command and policy-makers of an organization it is not silent. The very safety and continuance of the whole organized body daily depends upon its Intelligence people, their flair, their investigation, their raw data, their estimate and their prediction and, in the end of it, their support in making defense and attack possible, purposeful and effective. 6. data leading to predictions of occurrences and useful in forecasting events and so assisting planning and in handling matters arising from events.

INTELLIGENCE, ACTIONS OF - simply to observe, write it up, and file it.
That is all intelligence does. And by cross-filing, the answers emerge. That is the whole function of a big intelligence organization.

INTELLIGENCE ACTION, THE GUARDIAN - both planetary and organizational information is handled by this activity.

Intelligence is defined as data leading to predictions of occurrences and useful in forecasting events and so assisting planning and in handling matters arising from events.

The Planetary Intelligence Unit works with newspapers, economic newsletters, bulletins of intelligence services, etc., and keeps a file of clippings under headings of interest to Scientology. By such studies one can predict which way cats are going to jump and organize to meet situations which may threaten Scientology from possible enemies or to take advantage of situations which might benefit Scientology.

The Org Intelligence Unit receives copies of all SO # 1 letters watching for upsets or trends in specific areas in order to correct those in control of the area and regularly reviews the number of Dead Files per area to see if some area of Scientology has more dead filed than others.

It is true that entheta in an area is proportional to Org incompetence in that area and real trouble in areas has always been preceded by at least two years of heavy entheta in public letters from that area.

The Planetary Planning Unit works out ways to prevent future attacks and how to take advantage of situations that will develop.

The Org Planning Unit predicts trouble by such things as too much entheta from an area, too much sex going on in an Org and, working closely with HCO plans how to reorganize the Org in that area without destroying it. Such planning also handles a public programme for an entheta area to weaken anti-Scientology propaganda, at the same time stiffening up Ethics and quality of service in the area and investigating why Ethics and quality of service are down so they can be remedied.

INTELLIGENCE FAILURE - 1. a situation which arrives unpredicted by Intelligence. 2. any situation which comes as a surprise to the establishment or any part of it.

INTELLIGENCE, ROLES OF - 1. prediction and support. 2. Intelligence furnishes much of the data on which evaluation is based. And intelligence should furnish the situation, the predictions, which tell whether an evaluation should or should not be done!

INTELLIGENCE TECH - consists of:

Knowing we are beings in the first place (as different than cogs or MEST).

Knowing the mental processes (and therefore the meaning of behavior) of persons or other activities.

Being less aberrated and fixated ourselves (and therefore more able to direct our own attention or that of others and less apt to ride pet targets and be blind to others that may exist).

Having a more honorable and honest purpose and goal (with less liability in the commission of overts) for man.

Having been shaped up by the most severe and unreasonable adversaries on many continents, limited in resources, unable to call on governmental or state powers when in the lurch, and therefore possessing through purest necessity, superior—infinitely superior—technology for Intelligence work.

Having a superior organizational pattern born out of necessity and lack of resources.

Having all the old Intelligence technology in addition to our own, the fruit of thirty-three centuries of known Intelligence experience.

Having the technology of study in which to master our own and older technologies.

Having had awe-inspiring wins against the most formidable odds and even against the “greatest” existing Intelligence services.

Considering Intelligence and data as a necessity in all our organizational commands.

Possessing above Intelligence estimates the technology of evaluation with which to use those estimates to total advantage.

INTELLIGENCE UNIT - 1. always part of the main team. 2. the beginning and part of the end of all situations. 3. normally it is divided into two parts, one which is defensive, the other which is supportive (or attack).

LONG RANGE PROMOTION ACTION, THE GUARDIAN - without relieving any HCO Exec Sec or Dissem Sec or ES Comm Dissem, Dist Sec or ES Comm Dist of promotion responsibility, the Guardian works out or calls for and approves the long range promotion of Scientology.

This activity draws up motifs for magazines for a year in advance, draws up Congress names.

The activity tells the org what to promote, what to stress and co-ordinates promotion.

The section can get promotional ideas and the Guardian approving them see that they are
carried out.

OCTOPUS SIMILE, SECRET OPERATIONS - the tentacle of an octopus has no organ enabling it to know what the other tentacles are doing, and yet it does not act independently. A single brain guides the movements of all the tentacles, coordinating them by means of nerves and muscles. The brain of the octopus is the case officer, or the head of the Intelligence agency. The muscles of the octopus of secret operations are the ingredient of discipline in the human relations of the personnel of the operations. If this discipline—the muscle—is ineffective, obviously the operation— the tentacle—is defective.
The nerves, however, must be visualized as a chain of knowing, in which the sensitivity or electric impulse which determines the function of the nerve is represented by the control of knowing. By control is not necessarily meant the limitation of knowledge; this is the function of compartmentalization. Control means simply knowing who knows what.
The tentacles are made up of the chain of human relationships linking the direction of the operations to even the most remote agent. The muscles guiding each tentacle are, in turn, made up of the responsiveness, the discipline, which characterize each of the relationships in the chain.

OSA SP INTERNET FORUM CYCLE - distract conversation away from suppressive topic, degrade the SP source, slime the area.

POLICY ACTION, THE GUARDIAN - the Guardian, without relieving the LRH Comm from his duty of refusing to pass anything contrary to policy, enforces and issues policy and passes on any new policy recommended on channels already established but usually re-issues and enforces existing policy.

This section has the LRH Mimeo Unit.

The basic files and Archives of policy and technology and artifacts belong to this section as the Archives Unit.

This action also has files of all recommended policies.

RAW DATA - accumulated stores of data on a given subject.

SRA, SEVERE REALITY ADJUSTMENT - 1. a cycle created by David Miscavige consisting of a confrontation by Scientologists intended to intimidate, scare, and cave in the recipient. 2. to get in someone’s face so hard, that you adjust their reality. To get right up in their face and scream, holler, rip them a new one.

SPY IN ON, A - a deep-cover spy infiltrating a person, family, group, organization; to get a spy in on them

SUPPORT INTELLIGENCE- 1. attack or offensive intelligence. It usually exists to back up a program already in progress. But it can also directly engage in the location of a possible situation so that an offensive can be mounted; this does not constitute a defensive action as it is still directed at areas of potential hostility outside the organization where a threat has been demonstrated.
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True ex-Scientologist
I guess you are asking for items that are not already in the Tech Dictionary nor in any HCO PLs?
(Yes, I would like to see that too. :))
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Ron is the source that will lead you to grief
I posted these a while back:

BLACK - aka black disinfo is from a source claiming to be another source So for example, a piece of text about Hubbard being admitted as a blood brother is being attributed to a representative body of the blackfoot tribe, while the real source is just this one single native American guy who happens to be a scientologist. That's black propaganda.

GREY - It is a source that remains unclear, unattributed or murky by design. So a piece of CoS text can claim: "Crime in Malaysia has dropped 42% in the last year", without saying where this info comes from. That's grey propaganda.

WHITE - A source that openly and truthfully claims where it comes from. Example: CoS finds some sinister sounding document from the American Psychiatric Association. Then they re-publish it in some CoS magazine and claim it was written by the APA. That's white propaganda.

TAN - That's similar to black propaganda, but more nuanced. That's a source attributed to one scientology entity (usually for internal use) that nevertheless originated from a different scientology entity. For example: A document is published as a testimony of a well known scientology member, while in reality it was written by or dictated by OSA and the member just rubber-stamped it. That's tan disinfo.

BLACK & TANS - A disinformation packet prepared for internal use with black and tan propaganda. Usually it is the "hip hip, we are doing so darn well around the globe!" type thing.

ACTIVE MEASURES - This term refers to unconventional methods used by OSA, what would in military terms be seen as special operations. From what I understand, hiring of PIs and things like the "squirrel busters" or sending fake animal abuse or fake child abuse claims against critics - that would all be considered "active measures". I do not have nor know the full list of active measures or their types etc.


Well-known member
:LOL:I suspected this thread would be in your wheelhouse.:LOL:

I don't have inner knowledge about too much, but I know about this
long list of humorous code names and shocking operations that many
visitors might not have seen before. Enjoy. :coolwink:

List of Guardian's Office operations

That one link alone should be more than enough for the FBI-IRS task force to do another raid and to not only send a dozen cult leaders to federal prison (again), but to finish the job by taking away their non-profit status.

That might well open the door to a booming cottage industry of lawyers across the nation filing civil law suits. Would that be some fun Schadenfreude if the cult was strangled to death by blitzkreig lawsuits flooding in from every direction----exactly like the cult has done so many times to others?!

At this point I am in a very pleasant reverie, so people should not send me articles on "statute of limitations" and other buzz-killing junk. LOL.

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Well-known member

From a confidential GLOSSARY of OSA/Ethics officer terms.

Lying -present participle (Lie): 1. The high crime crime of False Reporting which (when done by Scientologists) should be ruthlessly hammered out of existence by ordering the SP to pay for lavishly expensive security checking, followed by an even more expensive amends project. 2. An extraordinary humanitarian achievement (when done by make-it-go-right Scientology staff members) that should be awarded elite statuses, commendation reports, jumbo medallions and interminably long standing ovations.

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New member
You ought to start a separate HelluvaHoax Scn Technical Dictionary thread. I PREDICT pure gold.


From a confidential GLOSSARY of OSA/Ethics officer terms.

Lying -present participle (Lie): 1. The high crime crime of False Reporting which (when done by Scientologists) should be ruthlessly hammered out of existence by ordering the SP to pay for lavishly expensive security checking, followed by an even more expensive amends project. 2. An extraordinary humanitarian achievement (when done by make-it-go-right Scientology staff members) that should be awarded elite statuses, jumbo medallions and interminably long standing ovations.



Well-known member
You ought to start a separate HelluvaHoax Scn Technical Dictionary thread. I PREDICT pure gold.

Thanks for the kind words!

You might be surprised, but I actually started one or two threads like that in the distant past (the OLD Ex-Scn Message Board). Then, those threads didn't have much participation, so i just kinda let them fade out---after which I occasionally would add a definition to random threads here and there.

It would be cool if there was a way for me to post one COMPLETE dictionary and keep updating it. But the way the message board works, if i wanted to add new words, I'd have to re-post the entire dictionary (i.e. a new post) every time a new word or update was added. That would be a horrifically hellish thread to try and read, wouldn't it?

Oh, by the way, the ever-expanding "DINKY DB DICTIONARY OF DIABOLICALLY DIANETICAL & HERETICAL DEFINITIONS" might be available again soon. Be sure to buy the Unabridged Un-Bridged version for ex-Scientologists! LOL.

If anyone has an idea how to create an UPDATABLE Dinky DB Dictionary, let me know! I think it would be a lot of fun to work on based on the ocean of Hubbard's wacky words!

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New member
It might be a tad cumbersome, but you can make a new thread and put all of your entries in the opening post, edit and update it to your liking as you add new entries.

It would be cool if there was a way for me to post one COMPLETE dictionary and keep updating it. But the way the message board works, if i wanted to add new words, I'd have to re-post the entire dictionary (i.e. a new post) every time a new word or update was added. That would be a horrifically hellish thread to try and read, wouldn't it?



New member
Is this sourced from official GO/OSA Tech materials?

I posted these a while back:

BLACK - aka black disinfo is from a source claiming to be another source So for example, a piece of text about Hubbard being admitted as a blood brother is being attributed to a representative body of the blackfoot tribe, while the real source is just this one single native American guy who happens to be a scientologist. That's black propaganda.

GREY - It is a source that remains unclear, unattributed or murky by design. So a piece of CoS text can claim: "Crime in Malaysia has dropped 42% in the last year", without saying where this info comes from. That's grey propaganda.

WHITE - A source that openly and truthfully claims where it comes from. Example: CoS finds some sinister sounding document from the American Psychiatric Association. Then they re-publish it in some CoS magazine and claim it was written by the APA. That's white propaganda.

TAN - That's similar to black propaganda, but more nuanced. That's a source attributed to one scientology entity (usually for internal use) that nevertheless originated from a different scientology entity. For example: A document is published as a testimony of a well known scientology member, while in reality it was written by or dictated by OSA and the member just rubber-stamped it. That's tan disinfo.

BLACK & TANS - A disinformation packet prepared for internal use with black and tan propaganda. Usually it is the "hip hip, we are doing so darn well around the globe!" type thing.

ACTIVE MEASURES - This term refers to unconventional methods used by OSA, what would in military terms be seen as special operations. From what I understand, hiring of PIs and things like the "squirrel busters" or sending fake animal abuse or fake child abuse claims against critics - that would all be considered "active measures". I do not have nor know the full list of active measures or their types etc.


Well-known member
You ought to start a separate HelluvaHoax Scn Technical Dictionary thread. I PREDICT pure gold.

PART II: Well you inspired me to take a quick back into the distant dusty archives of the "old ESMB" and a Google search quickly revealed one of the first Dinky DB Dictionary threads that I started a full ELEVEN years ago! (January 5, 2010).

Well, besides that thread there are probably another 100 Dinky DB Definitions that appeared on other threads, so maybe it's time to start an all-new and updated thread here on ESMB Redux. I think it'll be a lot of fun to make another run at it, so thanks for acting as the Muse!


I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation.
Deadwood: A charmingly descriptive term used in the GO when publicly announcing the names of staff who are deemed "surplus to requirement" ... the list is circulated to all the lucky remaining staff within minutes of the shocked and unwanted being informed (via ethics) of their immediate termination and permanent exile from the group they had pledged allegiance to.

I expect the degrading list is sent to the remaining staff to 'improve moral and make them feel secure' as they continue to slave away day after day ... I don't think it was so they could get a farewell card together.

The evicted and stunned deadwood ex-staff who would have worked ridiculous hours under constant stress for virtually nothing are then escorted from the building but not before they are ordered by a steely eyed 'terminal' to return daily to ethics for an exhaustive joburg (metered security check) for which they will receive an invoice to add to all the others. Scientology believes in mutual exchange ... they don't just give scary joburgs and staff training away for nothing you know!

Finally, they are informed of the requirement for them to complete their staff contract (up to 5 years depending on how long they have remaining on it) in an outer org and once that is served they will need to replace themselves before they are allowed to go if they want to remain in good standing ... and who wouldn't want to remain in good standing with such a nurturing and ethical organisation?


All of the above actually happened to someone I knew well at the time along with approximately 14 other people. He/she was halfway through a third five year contract and was devastated yet (astonishingly) remains a gung- ho (but virtually penniless) culty to this very day.


Ron is the source that will lead you to grief
Is this sourced from official GO/OSA Tech materials?
In part.

I have never been a member of OSA, nor have I been an OSA volunteer. However, as part of continental inv training I did go through B2 documentation of the GO. The investigations unit and GO are part of the same evolutionary tree so to speak. After that, the B2 docs became ceded down to OSA (as I assume was most of GO doctrine), so B2 is one of the things inv and OSA shared. So that part is as far as I'm aware official OSA materials.

However, the black&tan terminology was something I picked up "live" during talks with OSA, not through B2 mats. That is because while OSA was never eager to cooperate or share info with us, nevertheless inv and OSA responsbilities at times overlapped. So sometimes it turned out we were both working on the same person just from "opposite ends".


New member
okay, thanks for expanding on this. Has anyone else on exscn confirmed this terminology with a background in Inv or GO/OSA?

In part.

I have never been a member of OSA, nor have I been an OSA volunteer. However, as part of continental inv training I did go through B2 documentation of the GO. The investigations unit and GO are part of the same evolutionary tree so to speak. After that, the B2 docs became ceded down to OSA (as I assume was most of GO doctrine), so B2 is one of the things inv and OSA shared. So that part is as far as I'm aware official OSA materials.

However, the black&tan terminology was something I picked up "live" during talks with OSA, not through B2 mats. That is because while OSA was never eager to cooperate or share info with us, nevertheless inv and OSA responsbilities at times overlapped. So sometimes it turned out we were both working on the same person just from "opposite ends".


Lisbeth Salander Redux
Snow-white: The code name for an undercover GOWW programme back in the early 80's (from memory) aimed at infiltrating the US government which resulted in 11 of the executives involved going to jail including Mary-Sue Hubbard (the Controller WW at the time) and Jane Kember (the Guardian WW at the time).
Thank you for that! :coolwink:

Here's some real-world practical application. Get out your demo kits. :coolwink:

Operation Snow White

Most all the information on the page was confirmed by Mary Sue Hubbard
and her legal team, so Ron Hubbard wouldn't be dragged into a courtroom
for a deposition. (Stipulation of Evidence, 1979)

I'm amazed at the amount of detail that's presented. It's like a James Bond spy
novel. Both Ron and Mary Sue were running this spy operation for a long time.
As many already know, Mary Sue fell on her sword and went to jail for her
misdeeds. It's very interesting reading for those who haven't read about the
whole Federal government spying plot by the COS. It's just unbelievable.

Ron and Mary Sue's marriage essentially ended after this, though they never
filed legal papers, AFAIK. They just split and went their own ways, Ron into hiding
for the remainder of his life.

At the end of the day, this is an example of the practical application of GO/OSA
philosophy and techniques. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We can easily assume they do similar stuff nowadays, except it's all done under the banner
of OSA instead of the disbanded GO. They probably employ cutouts (third party operatives
and hackers), arms-length lawyers, and private eyes to do all the dirty work, so they keep
SO staff and COS volunteers at a safe distance. They learned their lessons in the late 70's.
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New member
I’m charmed! Added.

Deadwood: A charmingly descriptive term used in the GO when publicly announcing the names of staff who are deemed "surplus to requirement" ... the list is circulated to all the lucky remaining staff within minutes of the shocked and unwanted being informed (via ethics) of their immediate termination and permanent exile from the group they had pledged allegiance to.

I expect the degrading list is sent to the remaining staff to 'improve moral and make them feel secure' as they continue to slave away day after day ... I don't think it was so they could get a farewell card together.

The evicted and stunned deadwood ex-staff who would have worked ridiculous hours under constant stress for virtually nothing are then escorted from the building but not before they are ordered by a steely eyed 'terminal' to return daily to ethics for an exhaustive joburg (metered security check) for which they will receive an invoice to add to all the others. Scientology believes in mutual exchange ... they don't just give scary joburgs and staff training away for nothing you know!

Finally, they are informed of the requirement for them to complete their staff contract (up to 5 years depending on how long they have remaining on it) in an outer org and once that is served they will need to replace themselves before they are allowed to go if they want to remain in good standing ... and who wouldn't want to remain in good standing with such a nurturing and ethical organisation?


All of the above actually happened to someone I knew well at the time along with approximately 14 other people. He/she was halfway through a third five year contract and was devastated yet (astonishingly) remains a gung- ho (but virtually penniless) culty to this very day.

Dotey OT

Deadwood: A charmingly descriptive term used in the GO when publicly announcing the names of staff who are deemed "surplus to requirement" ... the list is circulated to all the lucky remaining staff within minutes of the shocked and unwanted being informed (via ethics) of their immediate termination and permanent exile from the group they had pledged allegiance to.

I expect the degrading list is sent to the remaining staff to 'improve moral and make them feel secure' as they continue to slave away day after day ... I don't think it was so they could get a farewell card together.

The evicted and stunned deadwood ex-staff who would have worked ridiculous hours under constant stress for virtually nothing are then escorted from the building but not before they are ordered by a steely eyed 'terminal' to return daily to ethics for an exhaustive joburg (metered security check) for which they will receive an invoice to add to all the others. Scientology believes in mutual exchange ... they don't just give scary joburgs and staff training away for nothing you know!

Finally, they are informed of the requirement for them to complete their staff contract (up to 5 years depending on how long they have remaining on it) in an outer org and once that is served they will need to replace themselves before they are allowed to go if they want to remain in good standing ... and who wouldn't want to remain in good standing with such a nurturing and ethical organisation?


All of the above actually happened to someone I knew well at the time along with approximately 14 other people. He/she was halfway through a third five year contract and was devastated yet (astonishingly) remains a gung- ho (but virtually penniless) culty to this very day.
I worked in a WISE consulting company. For years, the owner would degrade and vilify the staff that he sacked the previous week, with reasons from the perspective of the business. It was always intended to bask the guy or gal. I always wondered where he got it from.